Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Guide

Last week, Caleb packed his bags and loaded his 4-wheeler for a week of hunting with the Big Canyon Outfitters.  He helps them guide, scout, cook (scary thought), clean and carry the wildlife off the mountain (if they get one).  He was helping 3 guys fill their tags for a bull elk with bow.  One morning got pretty exciting.  I asked him to write about it...


It was about 6:00 am as I was hiking up a mountain peak to locate some elk for our three hunters . I was minding my own business when I stopped for a quick breather.   That is when I noticed some sort of bird on a rock 5 feet from me.  It looked to be a grouse (its like a chicken) and it was hurt or sick.  I figured if it was still there on my way back, I would kill it (end its misery).  I threw my 100 lb pack (that's what it felt like) back on my shoulders.  I had only taken about three steps when I heard a loud screech and I looked up.  There was a falcon diving right towards me. I instinctively pulled my machete out of its sheath, just in time to knock it away before it snatched one of my eye balls.  BUT, she did grab my hand with her talons and left three deep cuts. The falcon then flew and landed on a dead branch nearby.  I looked down at my hand and it was bleeding. It stung like crazy.  Then I thought I heard the falcon leave her branch.  I immediately looked up and sure enough, she had left her branch. The problem was... she was headed right at me again!!! I held my machete up as a shield of defense.  I really didn't want to kill her (falcons are my favorite bird).  I swung my machete and barely hit her. She grabbed my arm with her beak and held on tight.  Her powerful wings were beating on my face and leg.  I gave her another whack with the flat side of my machete.  It knocked her off, finally.  She flew back to the branch.  Now I had a minor hole in my arm along with three deep cuts!!!  I watched the falcon ruffle her feathers and look around. I thought she had finally had had enough, but, nope!! She came at me yet again.  This time I brought my machete down onto her head.  She went to the ground and staggered.  I am sure she was seeing stars.  She managed to fly back to her branch and she sat there in a trance. I took some long strands of grass and wrapped it around my minor wounds to stop the bleeding. I hightailed it out of there before the falcon regained consciousness.  I was afraid she would come back at me with great revenge.  I was confused at the falcons weird behavior. Then I realized the falcon had dinner plans for the grouse and saw me as an intruder and interference.  When I finally reached the peak I heard another screech.  I looked up and the falcon was doing circles  above me - making sure I had left for good. It will probably be one of the hunting experiences I won't forget, if I do forget, I have some scars to remind me.     Caleb


Messy and Wonderful said...

Caleb, you are an excellent writer! While I read your post, I could picture what was happening perfectly!

Thanks for sharing.

Melissa (aka Kitty) said...

A Falcon, Moose...what's next! Pack of wolves...I know who I am calling when I am ready to venture out for a long stay in the mountains. This gives new meaning to being "one with nature" :)

Natalie said...

Yes, good grief, what Melissa said! I still remember the moose incident and now the falcon! I'm glad you're so capable in the woods!