Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Girls Gotta Do What a Girls Gotta Do...

especially if no one will listen to your needs.

This was the case for Tessa.  In her 2 yr old language she told me and a few of her siblings she wanted to go "nie nie" (night night).  No one met her request.  I told her she could go nie nie after we eat.  And usually with the word "eat" she perks up and all troubles are forgotten (just like her mother).  In this case, "eat" meant nothing to her.  She headed down to her bed, grabbed her "dee" (blankie), got comfortable on the stairs (oxymoron) and fell asleep.


FYI - Yes, I put her in her bed where she would be safe and warm!



Melissa (aka Kitty) said...

I feel like doing the same thing sometimes.

Cinnamon said...

Too cute~ Your stairs must be cozy :-)


TnFullQuiver said...

That is soooo sweet!!!
grace and peace,

Natalie said...

Oh, sweet! I remember Declan falling asleep while walking up the stairs when he was the same age. Sweet little treasures!

Marci said...

WHen a girl is done, she is done. THat is precious.