Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Apprentice!

I have a new farrier-in-training!!
(farrier = one who puts shoes on horses)

Paul, on the right, is our farrier and he has been taking Hudson along on his jobs.

At first, Hudson was just taking shoes off.

Paul has really encouraged and helped him along.

He can now fit and size a shoe...

He can trim and file the hoof...

Pull the shoes off....
  1. And this last time he nailed the shoes on.
  2. Yessss! 
  3. He did all four shoes on his horse, Ranger...
Now, he is saving money for the tools he needs.
I am one thrilled mama to have a farrier "on hand".


Laura said...

Way to go Hudson, congratulations!

myletterstoemily said...

your very own farrier! with all those
horses, he will come in very handy.

how cool is that!

Devin and Tiffany said...

That is great! I like our new background, very cute!!