Thursday, May 15, 2008

From My Mom

My Mom left a comment in my post labeled "Mom". It was so well written and filled in some of the gaps. (She is a much better writer than me) I wanted to share it with you....

Dear Ashley, Thank you for telling "the story" in such a beautiful way. Three things jump out at me as I think on all that happened during those days.

First, we never know how God will answer our prayers (yes or no) and HIS timing will always be a mystery to us.
Second, God was so good to heal me in such a way that I cannot point to anything or any one and say-that was the key to my survival. My husband of 44 years was certainly instrumental with his love, support, and wisdom. However, I can and will only say that it was God who brought me through the ordeal with complete healing and restoration.
Third, I am truly humbled for by the way HE used my illness to bring others to HIMSELF, and to strengthen the faith (in HIM) of so many (including each one of my grandchildren). What a remarkable experience it was! God was so gracious to show me a miracle every time I needed one! I am forever grateful to my family (including each one of my grandchildren) and to the many faithful Christians who selflessly and diligently prayed for me over the many months of my illness. God certainly used those prayers to work amazing things in my life.I could go on and on (I need to write a book!) but must close this out for now.
Thanks to God's great plan of salvation, we know that we have eternal life in Jesus Christ and that our eternal life begins the moment we accept HIS sacrifice for our sins.May God bless you through all the experiences of your life - and may we remember to give HIM the praise, honor, and glory for the work HE does in our lives.
I love you too, Ashley, and it is I who needs to thank you for being such a special part of God's plan for my life!
Your mother (Enid)

1 comment:

TnFullQuiver said...

Dear Enid and Ashley,
We walked a much different path with cancer than you did. My father was diagnosed with esophogeal cancer, and he traveled to MD Anderson Research Hospital in Texas. After several weeks, he realized that there was truly nothing to be done. He packed his bags and left to go home to finish his time on this earth. He was given 6 months to a year to live. I prayed that the Lord would give us His treausres along the way. He was so faithful. I too could write a book of special treasures that the Lord gave us during this time. I sure would have loved to see my father healed, but I knew it was in the hands of the Lord and I wasn't going to question His ways. I would trust Him no matter what the outcome.
I am so glad that you shared this story. I am so blessed everytime I see pictures of your mom with your children. I know God is faithful no matter the outcome. I rejoice in your victory and the life you are leading. Enjoy the journey!!!
grace and peace,