Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Day of TORMENT

Liberty (the dog) has killed a few chickens in her day.
Today was a day of rest, or so she thought. The chickens wanted to torment play.

Peck-and-Run is the name of the game.

hmmm... that didn't get her attention.

Another tactic -"Hey mutt, you wanna know a secret? YOU are a "yellow bellied" CHICKEN! Now get your lazy bones up and let's play!!
 I'll run - you chase!"

You are a lotta fun. I'm outta here!

a post by Hudson


Amy said...

LOL...this is hilarious:)

myletterstoemily said...

soooo funny. reminded me of hank, the cowdog!

Anonymous said...

If it weren't in photos, I don't think I would believe it! Knowing Libby, and the fun loving dog she is, I am just amazed at her just lying there! Great job, Hudson, of capturing the scenario in visual and language. That is certainly one for the record books! Nana